Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hello Blog!

Hello, my name is Jamie Mateo (soon to be Taylor 9-16-11) ^_^

I’m going to give this blogging world a second try! I’ve been a member since September 2010 and my “display name” was “Rice Cakes” (don’t ask!) I posted one thing that was super LAME and irrelevant to what my life is now (I deleted it, in case you were trying to look for it) I also tried Tumblr and I didn’t like it, so I decided to come back to Blogger.

I hope to bring a lot of honesty to the blog, I write like I speak, opinionated, passionate, and sarcastic, with that said, if you don’t have sarcastic humor, your not going to like what I write. Now I can be sensitive at times, just ask anyone who knows me, I do have a heart and I do have tears…but you will never see that! I’m also strong, kind, an AVID READER (#TeamKindle) and over all HONEST to all that ask (or not) for my opinions and advise.

Now, I must admit… I’m not a good writer and I always feel insecure about my spelling and grammar, but I’m going to put my bad writing out in the world for all to read! Hopefully you can learn more about me as you follow my blog and I hope over all that you find it entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to read what u have to say cause we all know u are very opinionated. And just thank God for spell check LOL love u Mrs. Taylor woop wooop
